
  • Images on wood

    • 0 €

    Note: The photographs represent possible choices of frame, name, etc.
    • 5 €
    Note: Example of preferred name (front side).
    • 5 €
    Note: Example of personalized inscription (back side).
    • 0 €
    • 0 €
    Note: Solid wood stands.


Saint Lucy

Feast day: December 13

The name Lucy is of Latin origin and means light.

Lucy lived in Sicily in the time of the Emperor Diocletian. Already in her youth she loved Jesus and vowed virginity. She rejected a marriage with a pagan and distributed her dowry to the poor. The pagan immediately denounced her as a Christian to the Governor of Syracuse. She was punished and sent to a public house to be made unclean, but nobody could touch her there. Since it did not help, they started torturing her. At the end, she was sentenced to beheading.

Patroness:  the blind, martyrs, epidemics, salesmen, throat infections, writers, Italy, Malta, and Syracuse.

Variations of the name: Luci, Luce, Lucie, Lucia, Luzia.