Saint Gerard Majella
Feast day: October 16
The name in Old German means “spear” and “brave, hardy.”
Gerard was raised in a poor family of seven. When his father died, he was sent to his uncle to learn tailoring. After his apprenticeship, he applied to become a monk several times, but due to his illness, they refused to accept him into the monastery. He was eventually accepted as a lay brother. He did various jobs in the monastery, but above all he lived a rich inner life. Many miracles are attributed to him, as well as some abilities associated with mystics, such as the ability to read souls. He died of tuberculosis, aged only 29.
Patron Saint: of expectant mothers, children, falsely accused people, good confessors, lay brothers, the city of Muro and the pro-life movement.
Variations of name: Gerald, Gerrard, Gerry, Ger, Garret, Garrett, Gary, Jerrard, Kai.