Elizabeth of Hungary

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    Note: Custom name example.



Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

Feast Day: November 17th.

The name is of Hebrew origin and means ‘my God is an oath.’

Elizabeth was the daughter of Andrew II of Hungary and the sister of Béla IV of Hungary. She married Louis IV, Landgrave of Thuringia, at the age of 14. After her husband’s death, Elizabeth devoted her life to helping the poor and sick. She established hospitals and cared for the needy. Legend has it that she hid bread for the poor under her cloak, and when asked by her husband what she was carrying, she replied that she had roses. When she revealed the contents of her cloak, the bread had miraculously turned into roses.

Patron Saint of hospitals, hospital workers, bakers, refugees, the homeless, the poor, widows, and charitable organizations (Caritas).

Name variations: Eliza, Elissa, Elsie, Elise, Elisa, Elisabet , Elspie, Lisabette, Lisabetta, Lisbet, Lisbeth, Alisa, Lisa, Lisel, Liselle, Lesetta, Lisette, Lizzie, Lizzy, Lib, Libby, Libbie, Liz, Lisa, Tetsy, Tetty, Tibbie, …