
  • Images on wood

    • 0 €

    Note: The photographs represent possible choices of frame, name, etc.
    • 5 €
    Note: Example of preferred name (front side).
    • 5 €
    Note: Example of personalized inscription (back side).
    • 0 €
    • 0 €
    Note: Solid wood stands.


Saint David

Feast day: December 29th.

The name is of Hebrew origin and means ‘beloved, darling.’

David was the youngest of seven sons of Jesse from Bethlehem in the tribe of Judah. He was initially a shepherd, played the harp, and famously defeated the giant Goliath in battle. As a king and military leader, he captured Jerusalem and made it the capital. David is the author of many psalms that are part of the Holy Scriptures. His psalms express emotions, faith, and a sense of closeness to God and remain an important part of Christian spirituality.

Patron saint of musicians, harpists, poets.